So there I was, minding my own business, doing a search on "purple coats" on eBay for a possible Halloween costume when I saw, at the bottom of the listings, a sponsored listing (read: AD!) for this other eBay seller who apparently had nothing to do with purple coats, tambukiki. I was intrigued by the dress in the picture and clicked through.
I found myself in a veritable treasure trove of dazzlingly cute, pretty, wearable, and--best of all--totally affordable clothing! Actually, what struck me first were the product photos. They are certainly done with an expensive camera against a simple gray backdrop, and the seller includes no less than nine high-quality photos for each item. By far the best product photos I've ever seen on eBay. I don't understand why more people don't do this--it makes your stuff look so much better!
But beyond the photos, the styles themselves are so very cute, and so very unique, and the stuff seems to be decent quality for the price (I'd place it somewhere around Urban Outfitters or the nicer stuff at Forever 21). I am dizzy with the vast selection tambukiki offers - probably around 1500 listings at any given time, so there's always something new and fabulous to discover. It's taking a lot of self control for me to refrain from buying up her whole store. For you, dear readers, I picked through almost all 1500 listings and bring you the best of my favorites list.
You can find tambukiki's eBay store
here. Happy shopping--I'll probably see you at the auction block =)