I have never bought a handbag for more than... $35, I think, and that was a black Guess mini-bag (what my friend Jane calls an 'armpit bag' because it fits neatly right under your arm like that). I liked it a lot and it served its purpose well as an all-purpose bag.
Being of cheap quality though, the handle has been cracking in many spots for a long time, and I think it may be time to graduate from it, and possibly make the leap into 'designer,' or at least real leather, handbags. As always, I refuse to pay full price and am looking for something that stays within a sane price range.
A few weeks ago, the Gilt Groupe offered a sale on Rafe New York handbags and I was enamored with the designs. Well structured rather than slouchy, with lots of shiny details, buckles, and embellishments. And an embossed patent-leather crocodile texture I find very hard to resist. I also like the fact that the designer has a non-conventional background (he's a Filipino immigrant). I was too chicken to take the plunge back then, but I found that Amazon is selling the bags for... if not the same rock-bottom prices as GG, at least lower than anyone else on the market.
I'm pretty sure I want to get myself one for Christmas. I just can't decide which one to get--the front-flap messenger bag for $174 (from $475), the medium-sized trapezoidal-looking tote for $183 (from $495), or the large, roomy tote for $228 (from $595.. probably the best deal)?
Thoughts much appreciated.