Yes, more bags. I remember this label being huge about 5-7 years ago, though I can't recall where I first heard of it. Back then, there were a few pieces in her line I thought were adorable, fun and playful, but a bit too much to pay for vinyl. Curious, I checked back to see if she had anything new going on.
I was surprised to see that there were pretty much no new items added in the last few years, and every item is on sale. When I saw the prices though, I was shocked. $30 for what used to be a $200 weekend bag? You can bet I'm going to snap me up a couple, but more than that, I wonder what ever happened to the designer. Did she give up? Move on? Decide to focus on being a new mommy? Why didn't she ever release new designs?
So mysterious. Anyway, there aren't many left - check them out on the World According to Jess website.