Outfitting: Looking a little spotty

Inspired by Netta's play on patterns yesterday, I tried pairing this strikingly polka-dotty dress with some polka-dotted tights. I'd originally been disappointed that the dress came in navy blue spots, rather than black, but when I played it up I think it worked out well.

Also took some shots of my coworkers, Shanti (our awesome 'librarian chic' office manager) and Netta of ninja fame.

On Shanti:

On Netta:

3 responses
Cute, cute, cute!
LOVE all your looks! So fierce. I wish I worked in an office where we dressed like that :) When I put effort into my clothes, people at work ask me, "Where are you going?"
Thanks so much, col! yes I know exactly what you mean.. my last office was all powder blue oxford shirts and khakis... that was their idea of 'business casual.' Oy veh.